using the TESCAN UniTOM XL
Wednesday, May 18th 2022, 10:00 AM KSA and Jordan Time
Join Dr. Wesley De Boever (micro-CT product marketing manager) and Dr. Jan Dewanckele (micro-CT head of applications) from TESCAN for a FREE webinar on “Multi-Scale Micro-CT imaging using the TESCAN UniTOM XL”.
Micro-CT is a widely used technology to scan samples ranging from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters, but to take full use of that sample range is not trivial and often challenging. In this webinar, we will address how a multi-scale workflow ranging from very large samples – up to 1 meter tall and 60 cm wide – to very small can be performed by combining non-destructive and destructive subsampling techniques.
The webinar will focus on TESCAN’s Volume-Of-Interest scanning workflow, and how it is applied in the TESCAN UniTOM XL micro-CT system. The TESCAN UniTOM XL delivers ultimate versatility by combining an extremely long source-to-detector distance of up to 2 meters, with complete motorization of all axes of the system and a high power x-ray source. All of this will be demonstrated by using application examples in Materials Sciences, Earth Sciences, Life Sciences, and more.
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