Free Webinar
Thursday, July 7th 2022, 10:00 AM & 06:00 PM KSA and Jordan Time / 11:00 AM & 07:00 PM UAE Time
Don't miss the chance to review success stories surrounding productivity gains after lean lab adaptation in this FREE webinar from Mettler Toledo!
A lean laboratory is one that is focused on delivering results in the most efficient way, in terms of cost and/or speed, with the most efficient use of resources. Learn from the approach of lean manufacturing for lean processes in the lab. Gain information on how you can use our instruments to address challenging issues facing your lab and find out how to better optimize your workflows.
This webinar will cover:
- The principles of "lean"
- Similarities between lean manufacturing and a lean lab
- The role automation plays
- How to reduce various forms of waste in the lab and increase your efficiency
- Technical controls from the instrument supplier to increase routine efficiency
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