HPLC/UHPLC/SFC Systems Header

Shimadzu HPLC/UHPLC/SFC Systems

Nexera XS inert main features:

- Unconstrained Recovery and Sensitivity, Reduces sample loss due to adsorption to metal and achieves excellent sensitivity.

- Clear Resolution without Restrictions, Improves peak shape and achieves excellent chromatographic separation.

- Assured Reliability and Reproducibility, Reliable data for metal-adsorbing compounds with high reproducibility

- Analytical Intelligence

Nexera™ seriesKey meain features:
- Automated support functions utilizing digital technology, such as M2M, IoT, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), that enable higher productivity and maximum reliability.
- Allows a system to monitor and diagnose itself, handle any issues during data acquisition without user input, and automatically behave as if it were operated by an expert.
- Supports the acquisition of high quality, reproducible data regardless of an operator’s skill level for both routine and demanding applications

i-Series features:
- Analytical Intelligence functions, such as FlowPilot and mobile phase monitoring, and LabSolutions™ Direct can provide an automated workflow together with remote operation and monitoring from instrument startup to analysis completion.

- Automated workflows incorporate the work-style habits of experienced analysts. The result is reliable data collected over extended periods.

Nexera UC features:
- Very fast separation speed due to the relatively low viscosity of supercritical fluid
- Improved peak capacity and chromatographic resolution
- Efficient separation of analogues and/or chiral compounds by high penetration mobile phase
- Different separation mode leads to high sensitivity
- Improved sensitivity resulting from split-less introduction into detector
- Reduction of environmental impacts and costs by reducing amount of organic solvents needed

LC-2030C NT features:
Hardware and software advances in HPLC over recent years have led to a fully-automated analysis cycle as standard. However, column installation has remained a manual step requiring user know-how. With the LC-2030C NT we introduce a dedicated slide-in column, the Shim-pack NT-ODS. The user can simply insert this column into the front slot and it will be automatically incorporated into the flow path


Read more about Shimadzu HPLC/UHPLC/SFC Systems