For microtomes
SLEE offer blades, cover slips and paraffin. The new SLEE blades (LPS, LPH, HPS) for microtomes feature a special plasma technology, improving the sharpness of the blades as well as the durability of the blades considerably. The new SLEE cover slips in 3 different sizes, made for automated coverslipping and the new SLEE StarFrost slides in different styles and colors perfectly matching the SLEE printtec s slide printer. The SLEE paraffin comes in three types; the "paratec premium", 1 kg bag - (pure paraffin with added polymer), the "paratec premium" paraffin, 2,5 kg bag - (pure paraffin with added polymer), The "paratec premium", 10 kg carton - (pure paraffin with added polymer), and the "paratec", 20 kg bag.